Death, it is one of those inevitable things that happens. Not just to men, women, boys and girls; but everything. Plants die, animals die, fish die. So, why is everyone so hung up about discussing the topic of death???
Death can happen prior to birth, a few seconds after birth... or, if you are really lucky, after 100+ years.
The only thing I can think of is that the *talk* of death seems to; in the minds of some; bring it *closer* than they would prefer. People are *suppose to* live. They are suppose to have goals, ambitions.
Talking about death is for *old* people. We shouldn't be "bothered" by such talk... especially when we are young and vibrant. Ahhh youth. But wait, there are young people that struggle every day, just to survive! Don't you remember seeing pictures of young kids with pot bellies. They didn't get that from *overeating*. NO. They got that from malnutrition. They want to eat healthy foods, yet, there is not much around for them to eat. Not everyone has a fully stocked fridge and cupboard full of food. Their spindly arms and legs are a *dead* give away (no pun intended), that something is wrong. They could die at any moment. Yet, no one cares.
Let's bring the "death discussion" in to focus, shall we. One of the components of Affordability Care Act, is that an individual; on Medicare; can have a once a year discussion about "available options" for care. In-home care, nursing home care, hospice care, palliative care.
People freaked out thinking that those on Medicare were going to be "put on a bus", so to speak, and removed from society. That's not it at all. What the Affordable Care Act does, is allow Medicare to pay for that very important discussion. Something that *previously* was not allowed. That is a *GOOD* thing. now those on Medicare can have a discussion with their doctor and find out new options when it comes to "end of life" discussions.
I *think* about death all the time. I have since I was a young kid. The first death that impacted me was that of a classmate. For the longest time, I thought he was just sick. It wasn't until his and members of his family, who were in a car accident funeral; that I understood he was *not* coming to class the next day.. I was very sad. I tried to understand more about death, but, I was a kid and had nothing to base the concept of death on, until that incident.
Death does not scare me. It is just one of those "facts of life" things that people have to come to grips with on their on terms.
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